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Geoawareness is the first step in UTM, highlighting no-fly zones and restrictions while merging data from manned and unmanned aviation relevant to drone pilots. It identifies which NOTAM and airspaces apply to drones, translating these into UAS geographical zones, and introduces drone-specific areas for safety, privacy, and security, ensuring safe navigation for pilots.

Challenges in Bridging the Knowledge Gap for Drone Pilots

Navigating Complex Airspaces

Drone pilots often face challenges in understanding which airspace regulations apply to their flights, leading to potential safety risks and regulatory non-compliance.

Inadequate Awareness of Restrictions

Without clear guidance on geographical information, both recreational and professional drone pilots may inadvertently violate no-fly zones or restricted areas, posing threats to manned aviation and sensitive locations.

Legacy Systems and Drone Integration

Traditional aviation data systems like NOTAMs are not designed with drones in mind, making it difficult for pilots to access and interpret pertinent information for safe flight planning.

Geographical Data Gaps

Drones operate on a more localized scale than manned aircraft, necessitating detailed information about smaller geographical zones such as parks, schools, and infrastructures not typically monitored in manned aviation.

Unifly’s Solution to Geoawareness Challenges:

Products for Enhanced Geoawareness:

For Drone and UAM/AAM Operators:

For Supervisors:

API for Integration: