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UTM Solution for ANSPs

The Unifly UTM platform offers Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) advanced capabilities to improve airspace safety, automate approval processes, and extend traditional ATM services with innovative UTM capabilities, ensuring efficient operations, cost reductions, and compliance with current regulations.

The Impact of UTM on ANSPs' Strategies for Tomorrow’s Airspace

Enhanced Safety – Geoawareness for Drone Pilots

By offering real-time information on airspaces, the UTM platform significantly increases safety for all airspace users. It ensures drone pilots are well-informed about where they can and cannot fly, reducing the risk of incidents.

Safe operations for UAS: UTM Services for ANSPs

ANSPs play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and efficiency of civil airspace. Investing in UTM solutions equips ANSPs with advanced tools for comprehensive flight planning, strategic and tactical deconfliction, and real-time traffic information management. These services enable safer integration of unmanned aircraft into the airspace, enhancing overall operational safety and efficiency for a wide range of civil aviation activities.

Increased Efficiency and Cost Reductions – Automated Approval Processes

The platform digitizes and automates the processes for obtaining flight approvals within controlled airspaces. This streamlines operations, reduces administrative overhead, and cuts costs associated with manual processing.

Extension of ATM Services – Provide UTM services to UAM/AAM and autonomous drones

ANSPs can expand their ATM services by incorporating UTM services and introducing new digitized next-gen Traffic Management services tailored for autonomous drone operations, Urban Air Mobility (UAM), and Advanced Air Mobility (AAM). This includes improved NOTAM visualization, advanced VFR planning tools, and more, opening up additional revenue streams and keeping ANSPs at the forefront of aviation technology.

Why ANSPs Should Choose Unifly

The Unifly platform offers deployment flexibility, compatible with both private (on-premises) and public clouds (e.g., Azure, AWS, Oracle), ensuring data stays within the country you desire.

Capable of being customised for both centralised deployment (such as the deployment by Nav Canada) and distributed deployment models with more service providers (such as U-space). This flexibility allows it to meet a range of regulatory requirements with customisable options.

The platform allows for interface customisation to reflect your company’s branding and supports multiple languages, aiming to provide an excellent user experience on any device.

The platform meets the EU regulations (EU 2021/664 and EU 2019/947), including all associated AMC/GMs, ensuring it stays up-to-date with current UTM regulations.

Unifly’s platform follows key SWIM standards like ASTERIX and UTM standards such as ED-269, ED-318, and ASTM F3411-22A for complete regulatory compliance.

The platform has been successfully integrated with established ATM systems, such as the Phoenix tracker by DFS.

Key Products for ANSPs


Explore, Prepare, Plan, Validate, Fly, Resolve, and Report functionalities to enable safe and efficient flights.


Authenticate, Authorize, Monitor, Investigate, and Support features designed for supervisors managing airspace and providing services to drone operators and UAM/AAM operators.


Operator and Platform APIs offer extensive integration possibilities with drones, UAM/AAM, ATM systems and other systems for enhanced operational efficiency.

Use Case: Nav Canada

UTM Solution for NavCan NavDrone

In 2020 NAV CANADA selected Unifly as its strategic partner to deploy a national UTM system, enhancing the safe operation of UAS in Canadian airspace.

Available in both French and English, Unifly’s resilient platform enhanced situational awareness and streamlined operational planning for RPAS pilots and operators in Canadian airspace. It simplified access to controlled airspace with digital permission requests, reducing NAV CANADA’s operational workload and ensuring safety.

The system’s impact is evident in the numbers:

  • over 20,000 pilots registered, marking a significant adoption rate;
  • a 50% increase in permission requests, indicating greater compliance and safety; and
  • approximately 70% of these requests are automatically approved, saving thousands of hours in manual reviews.

Unifly’s platform not only maximizes efficiency and compliance but also leverages data analytics to anticipate future airspace safety needs, demonstrating its invaluable contribution to air navigation service providers like NAV CANADA.

“The NAV Drone system is a key component of our national drone strategy, which signals our commitment to safely supporting this growing segment of airspace users and serves as an important building block towards an integrated RPAS Traffic Management environment,” said Raymond G. Bohn, President and Chief Executive Officer, NAV CANADA.​


Get in touch with our experts to discover how Unifly’s UTM solutions can benefit you.